Help kids experience more joy through love and care at the Mission! Enormous potential lives inside every boy and girl. But for families trapped in poverty — or worse, on the streets — it can be hard to find joy.
Give hope through meals and care. You can also provide counseling to help kids heal from their trauma.
Your gift helps moms like Caitlin provide a safe place for their children to grow "Having my children come back into my life and be a part of what's going on at the Mission was a game changer. They instantly felt at home when they got here too and they knew that their mommy was getting better."
Our commitment — Your gift is a sacred trust. We promise to honor your generosity and use your donation in the most effective way possible. The gift options shown reflect Mission programs and the suggested donation amounts are based on the actual cost per person served. Each item is representative of the gift category in which it appears, and donations will be used to provide assistance within that gift category where it is needed most.